Does Weed Help You Study?

Does Weed Help You Study? How Cannabis Could Be Your New Secret Weapon for Academic Success

You’re in your third year of graduate school and suddenly your course load went from bearable to over-the-top. Not only is it way more in-depth, but it seems to have doubled overnight.

Add to that your athletics, part-time job, and social life — how are you going to make it through the year?

It might sound crazy, but cannabis strains for studying could be the solution to ditching those all-night cram sessions and getting focused.

Here we will share the benefits of studying on weed, what weed might be best for focusing, and some helpful tips to keep you on track with your studies while using cannabis.

Table of Contents

  • Can Weed Help You Study?

  • 4 Benefits of Studying on Weed

  • 3 Possible Drawbacks of Smoking Weed and Studying

  • What Weed Is Best for Studying?

  • Helpful Tips for Using Weed and Studying

  • Does Weed Help With Studying? Holy Grail Pharms Can Help You Find Out


Can Weed Help You Study?

If you’re an experienced canna-vet, then you’re probably already aware of which weed strain is best to smoke when you need a boost or to get in the zone vs. what you need to smoke when it’s time to completely veg out.

However, if you’re newer to cannabis, you might think the whole idea of smoking a joint before writing a school paper sounds counterproductive.

You’re not wrong, but you’re also not exactly right.

There are factors to consider before using cannabis to help you focus on your studies, such as:

  • The level of THC

  • How much THC you consume

  • The method for how you consume THC

  • How you react to THC

  • Your normal studying habits

  • The subject you’re studying (because some of them can be downright boring,if we’re being honest with ourselves?)

So before you grab your rolling paper, let’s look at all the ways cannabis affects the brain and how it may — or may not — help you through your studies.

How Does Cannabis Affect the Brain?

In one study, a series of brain scans conducted among 48 cannabis users aged 20 to 36 showed that regular use of cannabis may actually reduce grey matter in the brain. However, when used in moderation, cannabis use was also shown to increase the number of connections between the neurons in your brain. 

What does this mean, exactly? Excessive and continual use of THC appears to “shrink the brain”, but when used wisely, can “increase the complexity of the wiring”. This could be why some people report improved study habits after smoking a moderate amount of weed strains for focus.

One other factor that may contribute to improved study habits is the effect cannabis has on mood. Cannabis may help improve your mood, especially when faced with that “doom and gloom” feeling that goes along with studying before a large exam.

However, it’s important to pay attention to your mood before you smoke, as this may impact how you feel after you smoke. If you know you need to be productive before you smoke a joint — and smoke only a moderate amount — this way you may become more productive after you’ve smoked. 

The effects of cannabis on the brain are still being studied. One thing we do know is that it affects everyone differently, so the last thing you want to do is “get high” for the first time right before you’re supposed to study for an exam. Get to know your consumption habits with the help of our experienced budtenders at Holy Grail Pharms dispensary and we’ll walk you through some of our most popular study-friendly cannabis products


4 Benefits of Studying on Weed

At Holy Grail Pharms, we provide retail cannabis sales out of our dispensary in Eugene, OR. From seed-to-sale and soil-to-oil, we have a cannabis product that may help you with your studies. University of Oregon students (21+ years of age) who want to experience the potential benefits of studying weed, check us out! Holy Grail Pharms dispensary is only a short walk from the school.

If studying on weed is your jam, we’ve got you covered. Stop by our store today and learn about the many benefits of using certain weed strains for studying!

#1: Better Focus and Creativity

Some individuals report that marijuana can enhance their ability to concentrate on a specific task and stimulate creative thinking. They claim that it helps them think outside the box and approach problems from different angles. 

This is because cannabis contains numerous active compounds, with delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) being the primary psychoactive compound responsible for the "high" associated with marijuana use. 

THC can affect cognitive function, including attention and concentration, in different ways. Some people may find that low doses of THC or specific strains of cannabis help them focus by reducing distractions and promoting a relaxed state of mind.

This increased ability to focus may prove effective while studying.

However, because marijuana affects everyone differently, it may have the opposite effect on some people, leading to decreased focus and motivation. This is why it’s always important to consult with your physician before trying cannabis, along with asking your budtender for additional advice on specific strains or products to try.

#2: Alternative Perspective and Insights

Marijuana can sometimes alter one's perception and provide a more divergent thought process. This altered state of consciousness may enable students to approach their studies from a fresh angle and gain new insights. 

Certain cannabis strains may also induce a state of relaxation and reduce inhibitions. This can create an environment where individuals feel more open to exploring new ideas or considering different viewpoints.

But be careful to critically evaluate these perspectives and ensure that they align with factual information and rigorous academic standards.

#3: Enhanced Enjoyment

For some, marijuana can enhance the enjoyment of certain activities, including studying. Some weed strains may make the studying process more engaging and enjoyable, leading to increased motivation and productivity.

Use discretion, because it's important to strike a balance and ensure that the use of marijuana doesn't become a distraction or hinder your individual learning process.

#4: Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Exams and deadlines can be stressful! Marijuana is known for its potential to reduce stress and anxiety levels.

When studying, being in a more relaxed state may allow some individuals to feel more at ease, which could potentially help with their focus and retention of information.

But remember, increased anxiety and impaired cognitive function can occur with excessive use or high doses of marijuana, so moderation is key. Talk to your physician and budtender today to find out more about what products can benefit your consumption method of cannabis.


3 Possible Drawbacks of Smoking Weed and Studying

#1: Fidgeting/Agitation

It’s important to be aware of some of the potential negative effects excess consumption of cannabis use can have on consumers. In some cases, cannabis usage can lead to fidgeting and agitation. While cannabis can have calming effects for many individuals, it can also affect people differently depending on various factors such as:

  • Strain

  • Dose

  • Individual tolerance; and

  • Personal sensitivity

THC can have an alternatively stimulating effect on one’s central nervous system. For some people, higher doses or certain strains of cannabis that are higher in THC content may experience restlessness, fidgeting, or increased agitation.

This may make it difficult to sit still for a study session or during an exam, so it’s important to test your cannabis consumption before sitting down to study on it for the first time.

#2: Potential Short-Term Memory Loss

THC can affect the hippocampus, the area of the brain responsible for memory formation and information processing. This may result in some short-term issues with thinking and working memory which could cause potential issues when trying to retain information while studying.

Smoking weed may also make it challenging to concentrate and effectively learn.

Most of the evidence supporting this assertion results from animal studies, but these potentially negative effects should be considered if you’re going to smoke weed before studying.

You may be able to reduce the memory-loss effects of THC by reducing the amount you smoke and by smoking lower-dose options. Talk to your physician or budtender today to gather more information on what types of products are best for you.

#3: Fatigue/Sleepiness

Some people use weed as a way to relax or even fall asleep.

Indica is most well-known for sleepiness and fatigue, but some people tend to get drowsy and tired no matter what strain they use. If this is you, studying on weed may not be the best choice.

That’s not to say that trying a different weed strain or a strain with a lower dose of THC might not help you with your studies, but we’d suggest trying a few days before your paper is due or when your exam is scheduled to make sure you’re not counting on it for some last-minute studying.


What Weed Is Best for Studying?

When it comes to picking the right cannabis strain for studying, it's essential to consider the effects that different strains can have on focus, alertness, and productivity. 

You may have heard that choosing weed strains higher in CBD and lower in THC may help, but terpenes and personal sensitivity may also play a role.

Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Sativa or Sativa-Dominant Strains: Sativa strains are generally known for their uplifting and energizing effects. They may provide a more cerebral high that can enhance focus, creativity, and mental clarity. Sativa-dominant hybrids can also be a good choice as they may offer a balanced experience. 

  2. CBD Content: Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis that is known for its potential calming and anxiety-reducing effects. CBD can help counterbalance the potential anxiety-inducing effects of THC and promote a more balanced and focused state of mind. Consider cannabis strains with a balanced THC-to-CBD ratio or higher CBD content.

  3. Terpene Profile: Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in cannabis that contribute to its effects and flavors. Some terpenes, such as limonene and pinene, are associated with increased alertness, focus, and mental clarity. Look for strains that have a dominant presence of these terpenes.

  4. Personal Sensitivity: Each individual's response to cannabis can vary, so it's important to consider your own tolerance and sensitivity. Start with low doses and gradually increase as needed to find the optimal balance for your studying needs. Be mindful of your own reactions and adjust accordingly.

  5. Experiment and Take Notes: The effects of cannabis can be highly subjective, so it's helpful to keep a journal or notes about the strains you try and how they impact your studying sessions. This can help you identify patterns and find the strains that work best for you.

Cannabis may have potential benefits for focus and studying, but it can also have drawbacks if not used responsibly or in moderation.

The Best Weed Strains To Help You Study

Individual preferences and responses can vary, however, here are a few popular weed strains that are often associated with potential focus and productivity:

  1. Tangie: As its name suggests, Tangie has a citrusy aroma and an orange flavor with a stanky kick. These flavors nicely represent the strains it was bred from California Orange and Skunk-1. Tangie tokers enjoy it for its energy-boosting and uplifting effects.

  2. Honey Badger Haze: A cross between C-99/White Widow X Mrs. Universe #10, Honey Badger Haze is a 70% Sativa dominant hybrid that starts with a honey aroma and leads with a mouth watering sweet onion. The combination is ideal for someone looking for a strain that will help them focus and stay inspired while studying.  

Looking for a way to enhance your study session without smoking? Consider the following edibles:

  1. Drops Strawberry Jellies: These Sativa dominant gummies not only taste great, but they may help take the edge off during your last minute cram sessions before your big exam. 

Marijuana strain recommendations are based on anecdotal reports. We recommend starting with a low dose, experimenting cautiously, and choosing strains based on your own preferences and sensitivities. 


Helpful Tips for Using Weed and Studying

If you’re hoping that weed and studying are a fit for you, here are some of our top tips to help you from getting too high or suffering some of the potential negative effects:

  1. Choose the right strain: Select a cannabis strain that suits your needs, such as those known for promoting focus and mental clarity. Experiment with different strains to find the ones that work best for you.

  2. Try micro-dosing: Begin with a low dose, especially if you are new to cannabis or have limited experience. This helps you gauge your tolerance and minimize the risk of feeling overly intoxicated or experiencing cognitive impairment.

  3. Consider the terpenes: Strains high in the terpene pinene may help decrease the chances of experiencing short-term memory loss by inhibiting an enzyme called acetylcholinesterase. 

  4. Set clear goals: Establish clear study goals and a schedule to keep yourself on track. Cannabis can sometimes make time seem to pass more quickly, so setting specific tasks and time limits can help maintain focus and productivity.

  5. Stay hydrated and nourished: It's important to stay hydrated and have a balanced diet while studying. Cannabis can sometimes cause dry mouth and increased appetite, so be mindful of maintaining good nutrition and drinking enough water.

  6. Listen to your body: Pay attention to how your body and mind respond to cannabis use while studying. If you notice that it negatively affects your focus, memory, or motivation, consider adjusting your approach or refraining from cannabis use during study sessions.

  7. Consider your options: For those who don’t love the idea of smoking weed, consider edible products. Keep in mind that choosing edible products vs. smoking products can change how soon you feel the high and how it affects you. 

Let Holy Grail Pharms Help You Choose the Weed That May Improve Your Study Sessions

If you’re considering weed for studying, let the budtenders at Holy Grail Pharms in Eugene, OR help you. Our team is dedicated to helping you find the strain and dosage that is most effective for your desired results.

Whether you’re short on energy and focus, need something to help get you in the mood to study, or simply want weed that will help you sleep the night before a big exam, we can help.

Stop by our shop today and see all the high quality cannabis products we have to offer!


The content in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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